Jan 31 - Feb 15, 2025
Mineral show Dedicated to Collectors
The Mineral City Show venues
select building to see details
Lester St Plata St Plata St Plata St 13th Ave 14th Ave 14th Ave 15th Ave 15th Ave Oracle Rd 13th Ave Oracle Rd Lester St Lester St La Fuente de Piedras The Rock Yard G Midwest Minerals A B F E Sun Gemstones Mineral Nexus Mineral Galleries on Lester Gem & Mineral Park D Mineral City Tent C
Building A (Gem & Mineral Park)
516 W Lester Street, Tucson, Arizona 85705, USA
A13B CRISTALLI by Ricardo Prato A13A Alan's Quality Minerals A12 Saga Minerals & Ziga Mineral A11 The Focal Crystal A16 Hoffmann Minerals A10A Vasconcelos Brazil A10B Eight Treasures A9 Crystal Cantina & Second Chance Minerals A7 Wendel Minerals A5 Spirifer Minerals A3 Wendy's Minerals & Gems Inc A6 Nharo Africa A4 Dave Bunk & Lithographie A1 Crystal Classics & Wulfenita A2 The Sunnywood Collection A8 Nimeral MinLab A17 Natural Creations A15 Dusted77 Fine Minerals & Proper Gems A14 Paul Botha L ester St 13th A v e WC Food Truck
Building B (Gem & Mineral Park)
532 W Lester Street, Tucson, Arizona 85705, USA
L est er S t W C Private B14 Mineral Angel B13 Eddy Wraps Gems B12 Arsaa Gems And Minerals B11 Geofil Office B10 Jonathan Mineral Exchange & E Mineral B7 Gavish Minerals B5 Zak Bell Minerals B9 Qixiang Minerals B8 Mawingu Gems B6 Álvaro Lúcio Minerals B4 Geo Rocks B3 Marco Tironi B2 Polychrom Minerals B1B Luis Burillo Minerales B1A Amazing Minerals
Building C (Mineral City)
531 W Plata Street, Tucson, Arizona 85705, USA
Plata St C1 ITECO C3 Peter Muller C4 Earth's Treasures C2 Grateful Earth Minerals C7-C9 Stonetrust C8 Merveilles De La Terre C10 Opalescent Daydreams C6 Lithos Minerals C12 Capistrano Mining C15-C17 Leonard Himes & Geokrazy Minerals C13 Geonica C11 Way Too Cool C5 Saphira Minerals WC WC Food Truck
Building D (Mineral City)
525 W Plata Street, Tucson, Arizona 85705, USA
Plata St D20 Alpine Mineral Company & Geologic Desires D18 Rocko Minerals D31 Rudolph Minerals D33 The Crystal Circle D35 Well Arranged Molecules D39-D41 Miner's Lunchbox D43-D45 Samora Minerals & Thee Ancients D42 DMS Collective D40 DanZ Rockshop D38 Mintang D36 Well Arranged Molecules D34 Barnett Fine Minerals & Most High Minerals D32 Pinnacle 5 Minerals D44 Shicheng Minerals D24-D26 THE STOPE GATHERING AREA & Mineralogical Record D28-D30 by Ricardo Prato CRISTALLI D23-D25 Shannon and Son's Minerals D27-D29 The Adelaide Mining Company & Anton Watzl Minerals D10 Geonica D12 Valenzuela's Minerals D14-D16 KARP Mining D15 Webminerals & Viettiminerals D13 Marco Tironi D11 Pyritas de Navajun D9 Axinite D7 Little Big Stone D5 Webminerals & Viettiminerals D3 Crystallize D1 Donald K. Olson and Associates D2 Investments from Earth D4 Persson Rare Minerals D8 Loye & Lemon Minerals D21 Bruce Wood Minerals D22-D37 Unique Minerals D19 Green Mountain Minerals D6 Brazarte Minerals D17 Mineral'ys & Escaut Minerals WC WC
Building E (Mineral City)
445 W Plata Street, Tucson, Arizona 85705, USA
13th A v e Plata St WC WC E2 Mexican Minerals E4-E6 Schwartz Fine Minerals E8 Mineral Decor & Structure Minerals E10 Stone Throne E12 John Cornish Minerals E14 Chris Lehmann E16 Michael Farmer Meteorites & Moritz Karl Meteorites E1 Dimitriy Bielakovskiy E3 Arkfeld Minerals E5 Russian Stones E7 Shuki Sirakov E9 Jonathan Feigin E11 Green Garnet E13 Enchanted Minerals E15 Space Rocks
Building F (Mineral City)
1881 N Oracle Road, Tucson, Arizona 85705, USA
Oracle St Plata St WCWCWCWC F1 F2 The Mineral Showcase (F1-F2) Rocky Houndenstein F3 Jackson Gruta F4 Multigemas Brazil
Building G (Mineral City)
Adres 645 W Plata Street, Tucson, Arizona 85705, USA
Plata St 15th Ave WC G5 Luciana Barbosa G6 Enrico Rinaldi Minerals G7 World Of Fine Minerals G8 Ramos Minerals G4 Natural Brasil Minerals G3 1000 BC Gems & Volyn Gems G2 Malachite & Gems of Africa Patio G1 Ertashar Pacific Minerals G9 Denver Rock Boxes
Sun Gemstones (Mineral Village)
1801 N Oracle Road, Tucson, Arizona 85705, USA
Lester St Oracle St SG3 UK Mining Ventures SG4 Cornerstone Minerals & Pachamama Minerals SG5 Cornerstone Minerals & Pachamama Minerals SG6 TJ's Rocks SG7 Pinnacle 5 Minerals SG8 Lehigh Minerals & Mineral Exploration SG9 Uncarved Block Pu Tzu Minerals SG10 WAM North Minerals SG11 Horst Burkard SG1 Kristalle SG2 Keweenaw Gem & Gift SG12 Collector's Edge (wholesale) WC SG13 SG13 Sun Gemstone Sun Gemstone
La Fuente de Piedras
1735 N Oracle Road, Tucson, Arizona 85705, USA
Lester St Oracle Rd Private Private The Arkenstone The Arkenstone The Arkenstone Jewel Tunnel International Jewel Tunnel International Jewel Tunnel International The Argentine Miner Ausrox Rocks & Minerals Magazine Jewel Tunnel Paragon Petr Sztacho Minerals & Jaroslav Hyršl Minerals Mineral Wines The Collector’s Stope Tin Can Hill Minerals Steve Knox Minerals László Kupi Fine Mineral Photography Horizon Mineral Lapidary Crystals Unlimited Schwartz Fine Minerals Leonid Collection Mineralogical Almanac & Mineral Observer Patio WC WC Patio
Mineral Galleries on Lester
501 W Lester Street, Tucson, Arizona 85705, USA
Lester St 13th Ave MBM Marcus Budil Monaco WendelMinerals Bergmann Minerals & Big Rock Minerals Brian Kosnar Mineral Classics Aurora Minerals Matrix India Private WC
Midwest Minerals
635 W Lester Street, Tucson, Arizona 85705, USA
Lester St WC Private Sales area Sales area Office Private Midwest Minerals
Mineral Nexus
621 W Lester Street, Tucson, Arizona 85705, USA
Lester St Arizona Natural Science Big Apatite Cafe Chris Stefano Collection Colleen Bickman Collection Dudley Blauwet Collection Fisher & Kureczka Collection Fong & Walker Collection Frazier's Minerals & Books Headframe Minerals Jim & Imelda Klein Collection Jolyon Ralph Collection Malmquist Family Collection Mark Hay Collection Mindat.org Books Natural Selection Crystals Lauren Megaw Collection Peter Megaw Minerals Rio Grande Exploration Rose Family Collection Scovil Photography Tarun Adlakha Collection Tony Potucek Collection
The Rock Yard
615 W Lester Street, Tucson, Arizona 85705, USA
Lester St Barlows 15th Ave